COVID 19 声明

COVID 19 声明

尊敬的客户和合作伙伴, 鉴于COVID-19(冠状病毒)的传播不断加剧,我们已采取世界卫生组织、各国政府及卫生部门推荐的具体措施,并已实施一系列医疗方案以保证公司的全面运作,同时尽我们所能,将此次疾病大流行性的传播降至最低。 我们的配送中心继续正常运作,我们已采取所有必要措施,以确保继续按时向客户运送产品。 安博科金属(AMPCO...
COVID 19 声明

COVID 19 Statement

Dear Clients and Partners, In view of the escalating spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we have taken specific measures recommended by the WHO, the different Governments and Department of Health, and have implemented a set of protocols in order to guarantee the full...